Sunday, March 9, 2014


We all go through different seasons in our life. I hope to use this blog to encourage you no matter what season you are in. Last year at this time I was in one of the best seasons. A season that didn't seem to have many challenges. My kids were getting older, I was moving my body more and feeling great! I walked, hiked, went bike riding and even did Zumba! My husband and I were getting out more. I was starting to invest more time with my kids in the things that really mattered. We were giving more of ourselves. I was confident. Free. Life wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn good. Little did I know, it was preparing me for one unpredictable, hard, painful season. A season filled with uncertainty and absolutely no control. It sounds horrible for me to describe being pregnant this way, but I want to be real with you. Getting pregnant at 39 was not in my plans. My kids were 15 and 11 and I was just starting to really enjoy my freedom. Everyone was so happy for me, yet I was not jumping for joy inside. I wanted to be happy but letting go of my controlled life was very hard. Trusting God that His plans were far better and greater than mine, I really did start enjoying and treasuring my pregnancy. Falling in love with that lil pumpkin inside of me. That beautiful perfect gift from above kept me going when there were days I couldn't get out of bed, couldn't walk, and couldn't do the normal things a mom does. I never thought I'd miss taking my kids to school, activities, or just going to Target with them. The kids who were everything to me had to take a back seat because of the little one growing inside of me. Lots of tears through this season. Today I am in a new season. Sleepless nights, poopie diapers, purest smiles, snuggles, lots of hugs, pajama days, taxi service, and lots of family love. No dates with my husband yet, I haven't exercised, and I pretty much eat all the wrong things, especially when I'm stressed. Just being honest. I have days I feel like superwoman and days that I want to scream! I couldn't imagine my life without baby boy though. He is truly my undeserved gift. Juggling it all and trying to have a balanced healthy life is what I long for. Growing in my relationship with Jesus, my husband, and my kids. Being physically, mentally and emotionally strong. I plan on sharing my experiences and lessons with you, all along the way. I do know God has ordained my steps and these days were written in His book long ago. I have a purpose in all of this and I will trust Him in it all. To God be the glory.

Lesson learned, seasons are temporary. Whatever season God has you in, embrace it and do all you can to make the best of it with a grateful heart.

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