Sunday, March 16, 2014

Don't Tell Mom

"If we control our reactions in the short-term, we don't have to live with "reaction regret" in the long-term." Lysa Terkeurst

I read this recently and it really hit home with me. It was familiar. Maybe you come from a different family than me, but in my family the phrase "don't tell mom" has come up with my kids, with me, and even with my mom! :) She used to tell me "don't tell Grandma" and I never understood her point till I had kids and guess what I would tell them?? Funny. Why don't we want to tell our moms? Could it be because of how they react. More personally with my kids, could it be how I react? I want to have a reaction that is filled with patience, love, acceptance, trust and grace. Not criticism, sarcasm, fear or condemnation. My husband once told me to be careful how I respond to our kids. I used to freak out at the littlest things. I somehow expected them to be perfect even though I was far from it. He would always remind me that this life isn't Little House on the Prairie, how I tend to imagine things should be. He told me if I respond harshly, that they won't want to come to me. What??! Now, of course I want my kids to come to me in any situation, especially in times when they feel broken, hurt, or that they've failed. I know my mom feels the same way and my Grandma does too. Right? Every mom feels this way, because we carry our children in our hearts. The love we have for them is like no other! None of us intentionally respond wrong, but if we really try to stop, be quick to listen, and speak positively with love when our kids are young, then when they are older, Lord willing, they will be able to come to us with anything. I've tried to keep this in mind and I know it has helped, especially in my relationship with my daughter. I still stumble, overreact, and hear the words "will you just listen", but I also have kids who DO talk to me. To God Be The Glory!

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1 NIV)
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, (James 1:19 NIV)

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