Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Moving Forward with 5 Lessons

There are often times in life that we go through difficult circumstances. While we are going through it, God is right there carrying us every bit of the way. We have a choice. Do we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus? Do we go into survival mode? I think I did a little of both when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy. I learned quite a few lessons and now that I am in full swing, I wanted to write them down so I don't forget. So this is more of a reminder to myself, but if you can benefit from these lessons too then even better. To God Be The Glory!

1. Mary vs. Martha
    If you don't know the story of Mary and Martha. It is found in Luke 10:38-42. Here is a summary. Basically Martha is the stressed out lady running from one end of the house to the other micro-managing everyone and Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Martha complains about Mary to Jesus and Jesus tells her Mary has chosen what is better. Well when I was stuck in bed I had the opportunity to be more like Mary. Really sit and be still literally. Listening to Christ. It's what got me through each day. Now that life is back to non stop schedules, activities, and a little one completely dependent on me, I can very easily fall into the Martha category. The to-do lists never seem to get shorter. Life's demands will always be here. I don't want to do what's good. I want to do what's better. Sitting at the feet of Jesus before anything each day. That's where it's at. That's all that matters.

2. Hands and Feet of Jesus
    Thank God my situation was temporary. For so many of those around us it is not. My family was blessed by kind and loving hearts. Meals were brought over, transportation provided for my kids, laundry done, cleaning done, groceries delivered, etc. To me, this was love in action. This was the hands and feet of Jesus. I don't want to just be on the receiving end. I want to always remember this so when opportunity presents itself I will come running to those in need. People are hurting. They are in pain, some chronic, some even living their last days. No better way to share the love of Christ. Some great verses to look at are James 2:16, Matthew 25:35, and The Parable of the Good Samaritan, one of my favorites, Luke10:25-37.

3. Letting go of Perfectionism
     This is something that has always been a struggle for me, especially when I get in a certain mind set of how I believe things should be. There's me, my narrow mind and the end result pictured in my head. Well, when you are stuck in bed and have no control over anything, guess what happens? I was forced to let go. At first I got mad, frustrated and then came acceptance. I finally came to the realization that if I wanted peace in my heart I had to let go of perfectionism. Once I did that, I felt FREE. Amazing freedom! In so many areas of my life! For the first time in a long time I was able to really enjoy Christmas! I didn't have to find the perfect gift, have my house perfectly decorated or throw a perfect cookie party! It was so relaxed and the focus on Christ and my little family was all that mattered. There was no rushing through the story, only sitting and being a part of it. With all that being said, I let go because I had to. Now that things are back to normal I feel that perfectionist attitude creeping in again in several different areas. Here is one example. With Easter around the corner I started thinking of finding the perfect outfits for my family, the perfect themed Easter baskets, even trying to convince myself to make that perfect Easter cake. Now I have a choice. Do I fall into the trap and over extend myself? Or do I choose freedom? I am choosing freedom and letting go, focusing on what really matters this Easter. Instead of trying to dress my kids and give them things, I would rather spend my time and energy pointing them to the Cross. To the cup Jesus drank for us, to the blood he shed for us and to the love that was laid down for us. All that other stuff is exactly that. Stuff. Temporary, earthly. Nothing wrong with it, but for me, I get lost in it. In trying to impress, and trying to be super mom. Instead I want to be free!

4. Power in Prayer
    I know that I would not have survived those last months of pregnancy and first months of motherhood without the power of prayer. I never want to forget the importance of having family/friends who I can count on for prayer. Who I know without a shadow of a doubt will get on their knees on my behalf. That is so important! In those moments of desperation, knowing I was covered in prayer was so encouraging!

5. In Sickness and in Health
    In our 19 years of marriage, my husband and I have kind of worked like a team. He does his part, I do mine and everything seems to flow. Well when I couldn't fulfill my part, my husband had to carry a huge load. Not only was he going to work everyday, and as in work I mean business owner. Not just showing up and leaving. If he doesn't work we have no income. If he doesn't sell, there is no pay check. That is a lot all on its own. So, he was doing that like normal then he had to cover my part of the business (billing, accounts payable/receivable etc.), then he didn't just have my son to take to training anymore, he had my daughter now too. Then he had to do grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, and let's not forget taking my daughter clothes shopping! He did all of this and NEVER complained! Yes, he eventually got lots of help but I don't want to take away from what he did for so long. For months, every morning he made me breakfast and brought it to me. Now, all of this is
something I never want to forget. The way he laid down his life, his needs, and loved in action. Selfless love. Devoted love. I am so forever grateful that he is my love and I never want to take that for granted. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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