Thursday, July 10, 2014

Don't Let the Little Stuff Distract You From the Big Stuff

Don't let the little stuff distract you from the big stuff!  This morning I noticed that the chicken salad I made for my husband was still in the refrigerator. It didn't look like he had touched it. So I asked him if he planned on eating the salad. He told me that he wouldn't be eating it. What??? Why not?? I've made it before, I put all the special ingredients in it that I have in the past. He said it just didn't jump out at him this time. A little side note about my husband. He loves his food, if he likes something, he will eat it for a week! One of the many things I love about him. Yes, I was anticipating him eating the chicken salad at least a few days, so I made quite a bit. So, when he said he wouldn't be eating it, I admit, my feelings were hurt. I felt rejection and immediately went into the self pity mode.   I started focusing on my inadequacy to provide good food for him. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Right? Not sure if that's the saying but I know it's true! My husband is pretty much the cook of the family, so it makes me happy when he likes something I make.

Was my husband rejecting me? Of course not! Did he complain about it? No! So why did I let this little thing distract the rest of my morning? Like many women, I have the tendency to turn something very small into something very big! One thought leads to another and I'm thinking "I'm the worst wife in the world!" Tears are falling and I am definitely being distracted! Then the fact that I am thinking like this leads to condemnation that after 19 years of marriage I should be past this and on and on I can go! It's not even 8 o'clock yet and I'm a wreck!

I could have easily drowned in my sorrow, stayed mad at my husband and pretty much wasted a perfectly good day! Thank God for his mercies and the ability to open up my heart and my mind! Thank God for showing me that this was the "little stuff" that didn't matter, this was the little stuff that I was choosing to let distract me from the "big stuff" He had for me. The big stuff is what I get excited about! The big stuff changes lives! Draws others closer to Jesus! The big stuff is what I want every single day. Growing in Christ and letting His reflection shine through me. That's the big stuff!

Speaking of the big stuff. One verse I read this week that challenged me was Acts 4:13 "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men -had been with Jesus-." Other people could tell that Peter and John had been with Jesus. So in my own life, I asked that question of myself within my immediate family.  Would they think that I had been with Jesus in the way I acted, responded, and in my words? The only way for this to happen is to do just that. Trying hard to slow down and spend time with Him. Not the quick read devotion but the sitting at His feet, changing me kind. The Big Stuff kind. Nothing wrong with the quick devotion, sometimes our babies take over and that devotion is like a quick breath of fresh air! There is a time for everything though and God knows our heart and desires. I love that He meets us exactly where we are at and takes us and stretches us for His glory! I want the big stuff! Time to move forward! The chicken salad is still in the fridge, we had McDonalds for dinner and everyone is happy! Tomorrow is a new day! To God Be The Glory!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, sis move toward the big stuff. Love your heart! God is glorified in your encouraging posts:)))) Love you!!
