Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cheering Them On Through It All

I've been hearing the song lately "Cheerleader". The lyrics say something like "I think I found myself a cheerleader".   I don't know who sings the song, if it's old or new because I'm not hip like that. The important thing is it got my attention!  Every time I hear it I think back at my early years of marriage. That was some of the best advice I ever received! To be my husband's Biggest Cheerleader!  Over the course of almost 21 years there have been times that I was very intentional about it and worked hard at praising my man. Then, being very human and selfish, there were also plenty of times that I failed miserably in this area. I say miserably because if you are feeling miserable, then most likely you are not able to give out praise and affirmation to others. I think everyone goes through that. Well, all of us who are human anyways.

So I'm giving myself a little reminder, because marriage takes work. A good marriage doesn't just happen. It's an ongoing effort to love selflessly and run the race with your soulmate no matter what lies in front of you! So how exactly can I be my husband's biggest cheerleader?? How can you be your husband's biggest cheerleader? There are many ways to cheer them on effectively!  Affirmation affirmation affirmation! Find out their love language and love them in the way they need to be loved!  Not in the way you need to be loved. Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service are suggested in the book "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.  Remind them of how important they are to your family! Their role as husband and father is irreplacable! They have an enormous amount of influence in your children's life that is needed in such a way that a mom cannot provide. Thank them for working hard to provide for your family. Remind them that life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. Remind them of how strong God made them.  Remind them of who they are in Christ! Remind them that you would choose them again and again.  Remind them that they are enough. Remind them of all the things you love about them. Take note of those physical attributes that you first fell in love with. If you like their eyes, tell them!!!  If you love their strong smooth arms, hold onto them! Hee hee!  "Do not withhold good from those whom it is due, when it is in your power to act" Proverbs 3:27.  Thank them for coming to your rescue time and time again!  Tell them you are praying for them and actually pray for them! God can move in more ways on your behalf then you could ever imagine.   I'm sure there are a lot more ways to cheer, this is just from my heart.  If anything, pick one thing you love about your husband and run with it!  Overwhelm him with your love! Look for the good and you will find it!

So if you have ever been to a football game, you will notice that the cheerleaders are cheering throughout the whole game!! Not just when the team is winning or a touchdown has been scored.  They cheer when the team has no points on the board.  They cheer when the game is tied and players are getting more intense. They cheer if their team is losing by twenty! They are in it no matter what. Ball fumbles, or an interception occurs, they are still cheering for the next play to defend well or sack a player! Sounds a lot like "in sickness and in health" "in good times and challenging times".  From experience, it's easy to cheer when everything is going well.  Let's not stop there.  Let's continue to cheer our men on when a tackle in life has happened. When their ball gets intercepted.  When life hits hard in ways you can't even fathom.  Be their biggest cheerleader and help them back up! Let them know you are their to support them no matter what!  After all, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4‬:‭9-12‬ NIV)
To God Be The Glory!

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