Sunday, October 26, 2014

I Am a Football Mom

Friday Night Lights has been under way for a couple months now.  Years in the waiting! What an exciting night to look forward to when your son plays quarterback!  This year has been a little different though.  Instead of seeing my son start the game, I've seen him on the sidelines.  Some games he plays 5 minutes, others games maybe part of the last quarter, and then there has been a couple that he didn't play at all. Although this has been hard for all of us, I want to share why I stand in great admiration of my son! I am choosing to focus my attention on who he is during this long wait. He is one I am extremely proud of!

 To understand where I am coming from, it would help a little to learn about my son's background . He has been playing football since he was 7 or 8. He loves it! He has played quarterback and knows his position very well!  What started off as a fun game of flag football, turned into a passion for the game! From flag football he played tackle for a few years and then it was onto High school ! He was playing basketball too, but now it was time to get serious and really start pursuing his dream!  He has gone to quarterback training camps, received private lessons, and trained trained trained!  In the weight room and any other facility that would help him to get better!  This has pretty much been a year round endeavor.  Training is a part of him! His heart has always been completely committed to the game.  I don't think I've ever heard him complain?   He has never been "given" his quarterback position.  He has battled and persevered his way into being the "starter".   Both freshman year and sophomore year he was awarded Offensive MVP and he was very successful. Never proud or arrogant, just loving the game! 

Here we are in his Junior year.  Knowing he has worked exceptionally hard since last years season ended, we all had high hopes for his first varsity season!  When I say work hard, I mean he took maybe a week or two off last December and one week off in July. That's it. He hasn't missed one practice! He has been sick, fever and all and still fulfilled his commitment.  His choice.  With all that he has invested, how can he not be discouraged? How can his dad and I not be disappointed?  When I say disappointed, I am not referring to my son.  I'm referring to the game.  The outcome thus far.  I've sat in the bleachers with such a heavy heart for my quarterback.

So how is it that I stand with admiration of my boy even when he is on the sidelines? Almost every week tears run down my cheek when I see what a strong team player he is. Whether it's on the field or sidelines. He ALWAYS is the first to high five or congratulate players on a good catch, hit, or touchdown! He paces that field and keeps his head high with enthusiasm while he waits and hopes to be put in. His attitude is a perfect reflection of who he has become. The year is not over yet, and we are still hoping and trusting in God's perfect plan for our son' s life. We know playing or not playing doesn't define his value or worth. We support him no matter what!
Do you know what God has been teaching me through this? All these character traits my son is learning and developing in his life will never go to waste! Perseverance, determination, commitment, focus, hard work, humility, and heart are all a part of my son! These qualities are going to make him a great husband, father, and employee or entrepreneur one day. See, he's learning that sometimes when things get a little difficult or uncomfortable that you just don't quit! You stay focused and determined! You never give up! He's learning that there is always competition, but hard work will pay off! He's learning that sometimes circumstances around his life, have nothing to do with his lack of ability. He's learning that God has a perfect plan for him. These days are long. School, practice, homework, and sleep. Day in and day out. For a lot of teens, this can get old. For a few though, the reward will be great!
I am trusting God, praying daily for my son, and I will be in those bleachers with my heart beating with pride for #3. I will give him all the support he needs! To God Be The Glory! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5, 6 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

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